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How can IMS make a CEO’s life easier?

9 July 2014
Mike Dorland

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A chief executive officer’s (CEO’s) life is a busy one, involving many requirements, including management skills, a keen eye for recruitment, quick decision-making abilities and the capacity to deal with staff problems.

Therefore, anything that’s designed to make a CEO’s life easier is bound to be welcome news and we at VC4 believe we have just the thing that could help to ease stress levels for bosses, while also ensuring a company continues to perform to a high standard – the Inventory & Management System (IMS).

What is IMS?

IMS is a specialist solution designed to help a business to manage its telecommunications networks and platforms in one central, easy-to-access location. 

There are countless features and benefits to installing IMS within a business, with its primary aim being to make life simpler for both management and members of staff lower down the rankings.

To highlight just a few of its features, IMS can register and manage several telecommunications networks at one time, while consolidating significant amounts of information within them.

Holding the position of CEO involves numerous management tasks, but IMS can take many of these away from a boss and their current software, providing them with a much more adequate solution.

For instance, IMS can manage the IP networks and keep track of orders and details relating to output productivity and workflow.

Updates can be automatically processed through the system, taking away admin tasks for network engineers and stopping the need to wait for slow, outdated programs to upload new information.

IMS has the ability to keep track of all operations across a business, including sales and even the goings-on in the warehouse, meaning CEOs don’t need to worry about trying to achieve the impossible task of placing themselves in more than one place at a time.

As well as floor and department management, IMS can look after data relating to staff and their contracts and terms of employment too, providing CEOs with peace of mind that all this information is being stored in a safe and secure manner.

If bosses struggle to keep track of contractors carrying out tasks, IMS can look after information regarding these too, meaning they’ll easily be able to track performance based on KPI reporting.

What problems do CEOs face?

In a blog published in March 2014, the Wall Street Journal interviewed a number of CEOs from a variety of businesses to find out what the most common problems they face on a day-to-day basis are.

Many of the answers were centred around concerns relating to providing a high-quality service, managing staff and remaining at the forefront of the technological age.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a strategy, innovation and leadership specialist at the Harvard Business School, explained: “CEOs worry about innovation – their own and others’. They want their company to be well along with the next game-changing blockbuster before competitors catch up, which makes them worry about what the competition is doing.”

Chairman, president and chief executive of State Street Corp Jay Hooley added: “If you aren’t harnessing the power of data, you’re almost certain to end up falling behind.”

How could IMS help?

In light of these findings by the Wall Street Journal, using an innovative system such as IMS could help to significantly reduce some of these concerns, consolidate data and centralise network management software into a single, easy-to-use platform.

As a tried-and-tested – but highly innovative – product, IMS is at the forefront of advances in technology, helping CEOs to ensure their firms are remaining competitive in our increasingly digital age.

It is not just data relating to the networks that can be consolidated in the inventory system, as it can be used in conjunction with other programs your firm may already be using – such as customer relationship management (CRM) – to allow you to keep track of information regarding your clients and consumer market.

IMS has the ability to integrate data from these other systems, not only making life easier for you, but also ensuring you can continue to deliver the best possible service to your clients, which is something VC4 feels extremely passionate about and is more than happy to help with.